4-Track Audio
DURATION No. ?: 11 min 12 sec
- '...für Lautsprecher', Concert of contemporary computer music | November 15, 2024 | Reaktorhalle of the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (No. X)
- Sanandaj Electroacoustic Music Festival | December 22-23, 2024 | University of Art and Architecture | Sanandaj, Kordestan, Iran (No. X)
A series of compositions that have emerged as a further development of a code example from the documentation file of the Demand class of the programming language SuperCollider. At the core of the compositions is the short code snippet from the help file:
var trig, seq, freq;
trig = Impulse.kr(24);
seq = Drand([Dseq((1..5).mirror1, 1), Drand((4..10), 8)], 2000);
freq = Demand.kr(trig, 0, seq * 100);
SinOsc.ar(freq + [0,0.7]).cubed.cubed.scaleneg(MouseX.kr(-1,1)) * 0.1;
This code has been slightly modified to allow for various additional parameter definitions for the pieces. Consequently, all compositions in this series are derived from the same code and share the same architecture, but differ in the final landscape and it's nuances.
No. ? (Excerpt, binaural mix)