For Four Loudspeakers

Duration: 2' 14"


This piece is a short study on a compositional idea: I imagine that the smallest unit of a work is not a single event (e.g., a single sound with all its musical properties), but a collection of events. The individual events that form such collections are allowed to have a turbulent life in all their facets. They are compressed and stretched, experiencing dynamic, articulative, and timbral transformations. New events are also introduced into the groups, or existing ones are removed. However, they can achieve nothing as individuals, only as a collective; they only gain the meaning of their existence in the company of other events. In my composition, it is a kind of iteration that takes on a varied form each time it appears - a constant repetition of the same, which is somehow different every time! It is as if one never leaves a room, whose outer form and decoration are constantly changing, creating the impression of a continuous change of space.

Binaural mix